Are you a math teacher? Would you like to improve student engagement in your class? If your answer is yes, then this is the article for you. In this article, we shall go through different strategies to implement to maintain student engagement during mathematics classrooms in middle school. So if you would like to know more about this topic, follow along and let us make math classes more engaging!

Students understand better when they ask questions. Hence engagement is crucial amongst students and teachers, especially during math classes. It helps in memory retention, and it also makes the students feel more confident after answering a question.

So, let us look at ways in which you can improve your mathematics classroom engagement.

  1. Instruction scaffolding

The best thing about mathematics is that you can break down topics to make them smaller and more understandable. You can then progressively teach your students, starting from the easiest step to the hardest one.

Once you teach them using this method, students can ask questions whenever they feel confused. You can then easily track down where they got lost and lead them back on track.

Students can also be able to follow through with their solution to a problem without any hassle.

  1. Hand on

An incredible method to improve student engagement in middle school mathematics classes is through manipulative and games. Physical experience helps a child in middle school remember something for longer.

It also provides a calm atmosphere in class while also getting rid of the monotonous learning cycle.

So, whenever you feel as if your students are bored, you can always use this method to get their spirits pumped right up.

  1. Time for make-up

Assignments usually bombard students in middle school. Sometimes they might rush over to finish their tasks in time and fail in most of the questions. Some do not even complete their homework. They then start to doubt their abilities.

To deal with such an issue, provide the students with more time to correct their work. You can also offer extra time for the students who did not complete their homework. Once students fix their work and get a higher grade, they regain their confidence. They also feel a sense of accomplishment once they complete their assignment and catch up with the other students. You, however, should check to see if the student did not do the task intentionally or if they had no time.

You should also remind them to seek help if they get stuck while doing their homework. I remember asking my parents all sorts of questions when I could not do my math homework; they would then help me accomplish it on time.

  1. Peer collaboration in classes

Teachers in middle school often tend to forget the vitality of having group discussions. When students discuss amongst each other, they tend to learn from each other. They grow their confidence to speak among a group of people. You can use groups to motivate students who want to become future leaders by making them group leaders.

Peer groups help students familiarize themselves with questions solving techniques. They also get to learn from each other different methods to tackle questions.

Implementing peer groups is an easy ways to manifest engagement in your class without breaking a sweat.

  1. Identify all problem-tackling techniques

Different students do math questions differently, and once they get to share their views, they might argue on which one method is more effective. Once you are faced with such a situation, appreciate both ways and do not try to pick sides, it will only demotivate one of the students. But when you appreciate both methods, the two students will feel more confident about themselves.


Fostering efficient student engagement in school is not an easy feat. However, if you implement the strategies provided in this article, you can improve student engagement in math classes within a short period.

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