Recently, there has been a debate about banning the use of homework in educational facilities. Most people argue that homework keeps students from their study time and time for revision. The question remains if this is morally okay.

Why are people not speaking up against this debate? Amazingly, the dominant division against this debate is the students. A lot of students dislike homework with passion. They would prefer leisure activities such as vacations, clubbing, and movies, etc.

The importance of homework does outweigh the setbacks. Homework has been used over a long time across the world since time immemorial. The exciting aspect of homework is that it has aided mutual interaction between students, their tutors, and their parents.

Here are some convincing reasons why homework should not be done away with:

  • The home environment can be the best: Doing homework outside of the classroom environment has been identified as a good idea as the classroom environment tends to offer a whole lot of unneeded distraction and unhealthy contest, among other pressures. Your ability to work on your assignment at your pace can serve as a form of motivation. Aside from that, you will be able to learn how to keep time, set priorities, and learn how to work independently without being dependent on your classmates.
  • Homework boost interaction between the students and the teacher: With homework, students can easily interact with their teachers, especially when you need helpful feedback and guidance. Most teachers are ever willing to give their best to their students. Most professors, teachers, and tutors help motivate their students by giving them assignments.
  • Assignments improve presentation skills: All students like to impress their teachers. In that vein, they would try to do everything correctly. It will help them boost their presentation skills, which are essential for their further development in career.
  • Assignment teaches the element of self-responsibility to students: All students have experienced the misery of procrastinating when it comes to completing their homework. As a result, students will be able to develop the habit punctuality that will be of importance in their future.
  • The assignment is a cure against academic weakness: Some topics could be difficult for students to comprehend, a task can help the student. You can test your students’ ability to work independently. Therefore, strengthen the student’s academics performance towards their final exams.
  • Assignment keeps students afloat: Homework is an excellent way to help students make productive use of their time. The task can help keep students busy, avoiding frivolous activities that are of no benefit.
  • Assignments involve the parents in the progress of their children: When students do their homework outside of school, especially at home, it helps parents keep track of their children’s progress in school. It can serve as a means of strong bonding or interaction between the students and parents.
  • The assignment can be a way of teaching students life skills: When tasks are given in groups, it can teach students teamwork. It is an essential skill for a career and helps boost their productivity and keep them motivated.

The benefits of assignments do outweigh its disadvantages. Homework should not be banned as they can also help prepare students for their exams.

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