Many parents today believe that if their children receive a fair amount of homework, it will help improve their academic performance. More study and practice ensures students have a better understanding of the points taught in their lessons.

However, some school children do not enjoy the after-class assignments they get. The time they spend doing homework deprive them of time for other activities.

Will it be beneficial for parental involvement in homework or not? Here are three benefits of parental involvement in homework:

  1. Positive attitude towards learning

    One thing that motivates children is to learn is a comfortable environment where mistakes are not always punished, and knowledge is rewarded. It creates a positive dispostion and motivation to study and learn. You will help your child understand that you believe in what the school is trying to accomplish, which will also help them in the future.

  2. Improves parent-child relationship

    This advantage is significant, especially if the child is a juvenile or teen. Bonding with them over homework is a great way to get to know more about your child and vice versa. You will get to know what your child is currently learning and what they aspire to be. It will also make them more open to you about the things going on in their lives.

  3. Confidence is built

    A lot of students find learning difficult, especially at school, where the teacher is unable to focus on each student individually. What they lack in school can, however, be achieved at home. They can get to show off their skills and develop without prejudice. This way of thinking will effectively affect them in school, giving them the required confidence needed to progress.

How Should Parents Help with Homework?

You might be wondering how you can help your child during his/her homework time. Here are some steps you can take to assist your child:

  1. Set a study time
    Try to figure out the best time to study for your child. Some may prefer immediately after school or after play period while others may prefer to wait until after dinner.

  2. Minimize distractions
    When it is study time, TV, loud music, or phone calls should be grounded. It will allow them to focus on the homework and finish on time fully.

  3. Motivate and monitor

    Regularly ask about school activities like class works, notes, debates, extracurricular activities. Speak words of encouragement, and always make yourself available for complaints and questions.

  4. Allow autonomy

    While trying to help your children with homework, regularly give them room to solve questions and write answers on their own creatively. They will be able to defend their homework when they get to school independently.

Parent involvement in students’ homework will surely enhance performance in so many ways, which includes attitude to learning, building self-discipline, and mastery. But, parents must also be wary of children’s over-dependence on them.

Instead of letting them depend on you ultimately, help them to develop healthy studying habits, positive attitudes towards education, and teach them to confront challenges boldly.

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